Salad Fingers Wiki

This nameless character (often referred to as Stitch-Head or Tony) appears in episode 4, "Cage". He is a humanoid whose brain has heavily been mutated, drastically affecting his intelligence.

He doesn't appear to know any human language, but does babble and make babyish noises. He seems to have an attraction to Salad Fingers. He lures Salad Fingers with a rusty tap, captures Salad Fingers with a bear-trap, and locks him inside a cage. He tries proposing to Salad Fingers with a ring, and gets mad when his captive rejects such a offer. The episode ends with Salad Fingers pulling on a random rope from inside the cage that brings down a red curtain, preventing the creature from seeing him. When the curtain rises, Salad Fingers is gone. After realizing that Salad Fingers has somehow escaped, Stitch-Head sits down and begins to cry.

He isn't mentioned or seen again for the rest of the series.

Episode List

  • Cage (Debut and Latest Appearance)


  • Stitch-Head's stitches could imply that someone (possibly Dr. Papanak) with coherent thought has given him surgery (stitches are precise and require attention). He's also obviously mutated.
  • Stitch-Head owns the large cage he used on Salad Fingers. How many other people he's placed in the cage or how he manages to catch them all is unknown, as well as how he knew Salad Fingers had an obsession with rust and water taps.
    • One possible answer is that Salad Fingers never had an obsession with water taps, and he made up this obsession on the spot due to his insanity.
  • What his fascination towards Salad Fingers (and why) is unknown, as Salad Fingers clearly dislikes the mutant. This possibly means that Stitch-Head is the closest thing to a main antagonist in the series.